Pics shows: Carolina Andrea Aguirre Castano, the victim; A woman died after undergoing buttock implant surgery at a hair salon. Customer Carolina Andrea Aguirre Castano passed away after she agreed to undergo the invasive plastic surgery at a hair and beauty spa in Medellin, in the north-western Colombian department of Antioquia. The woman, aged 38, was injected with an unidentified substance and silicone implants into her bottom to "enhance the shape" but became unwell during the procedure. Those working in the centre called in help from emergency services but Aguirre Castano died while being transferred to hospital. Metropolitan Police operational commander Colonel Juan Carlos Restrepo confirmed the death, saying the woman was a mother of two young children. He added that the woman was the sixth fatality from cosmetic procedures in Medellin within the past year. Officers confirmed an investigation is now under way, saying that the unnamed owner of the unnamed hair salon has been arrested and remains in police custody. The clinic has been closed down. In 2016, official statistics show that 30 people died due to aesthetic procedures in Colombia. The popularity of plastic surgery has led to the development of an unsafe industry in the country rife with unqualified doctors and underground establishments offering cut-price treatments with often disastrous consequences. Last year Colombian journalist Lorena Beltran publicly revealed the massive scarring she had after a botched breast reduction surgery and launched the campaign #CirugiaSeguraYa ("Safe surgery now") to demand the adoption of laws regulating the sector.

Carolina Andrea Aguirre Castano, una donna di 38 anni di Medellin – in Colombia – è morta dopo essersi sottoposta a un intervento di chirurgia plastica per aumentare i glutei all’interno di un salone di bellezza. La donna si era rivolta a un semplice parrucchiere.

L’operazione consisteva nell’impiantare protesi al silicone al sedere. Alla paziente sarebbe stata iniettata una sostanza non identificata, secondo quanto si legge sul quotidiano online locale “Noticias Caracol”. Carolina, madre di due figli, si è subito sentita male ed è morta in ambulanza durante il viaggio in ospedale.

n Colombia è il “sesto decesso come conseguenza di procedure cosmetiche a Medellin nell’ultimo anno”, secondo quanto riferito dalle autorità. Il proprietario del centro estetico è stato arrestato e resta sotto la custodia della polizia, mentre il salone è stato chiuso.

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